For the convenience of the student's 10th class computer science paper scheme 2021 is mentioned here that guides the students to prepare for the chapters included in the 10th syllabus.
The list of Practical for Grade IX (Old) includes the DOS Internal Commands and Introduction to Windows whereas for Grade X the students have to focus on the questions based on the Introduction to GW-Basic.
Apart from the theory portion, the candidates have also prepared for the practical portion as well. According to the 10th class computer pairing scheme 2021 the chapters included are Problem Solving, Data Types, Assignment and Input / Output Statements, Control Structures, Arrays, Sub-Program and File Handling and Graphics in BASIC. To prepare for the exams one of the most significant things to consider is to check the issued syllabus and paper pattern.
Are you looking for the computer pairing scheme of 10th class then there is nothing to worry about it? Generally, before the exam preparation, the students feel anxious about how they will do the preparation in a better way to get the maximum marks.